About The Products
Blunt – without a sharp edge or point
The ultimate goal for groomer.dk was to make tools which will be able to remove all dead coat and undercoat without cutting one single hair and it was really difficult!
Most of the rakes and stripping knives on the market can totally destroy top coat, therefor it was important to make tools, which are simply not cutting.
We made it! We made it so well, that top breeders all over world are recommending our TWIN KING 2in1 to their puppybuyers and buying them in big amounts.
Our stripping knives needed something special: sharp enough to grab and lift hair, unsharp well to NEVER CUT.
Groomer.dk tools are unique, thanks to our very special sharping and afterwards dulling method, nobody can copy our blades, the procedure is our secret to big success.
We know lots of companies tried to copy our blades, even our handles, but their tools still cut. Be aware of fake copies!
Groomer.dk knives can be purchased only by our distributors or directly. Any other places are offering fake copies, which can destroy the coat or harm skin of your dogs.
Our knives are hand crafted and tested before leaving to final customers, too sharp tool or wrong made tool can seriously harm coat!
There are lots of specialised expressions in the grooming world. Some words are used in different contexts, some mean the same, some have various different meanings. It seems the variety increases depending on native English (British, American, Australian).
These are my definitions, meant to help you understanding the usage of tools, provided solely as a service for your information and convenience.
Handstripping is the act of manually removing dead hair. This expression is often used for the whole process or limited to removal of wiry or silky topcoat on dogs which do not lose most of their dead hair naturally (found e.g. in Terriers or Gundogs)
Removing the wooly, downy undercoat by combing through the coat using a special instrument such as a carding knife or rake. (links to products)
Combing (out)
To pull a comb through hair in order to remove dead coat and make the dog look neat or smooth again. In context with handstripping this is often done for silky coats (like Spaniels or Setters) and with a rubber band woven through the teeth to capture and hold the soft hair.
Tool with a handle and a row of metal points at the end, used for gathering and removing lots of dead and therefore unnecessary coat. Often used on very thick coats like Golden Retrievers, German Shepherd Dogs and also wire breeds like Airedales or Wire Fox Terriers.
Act of removing dead hair manually on breeds that lose most of their hair naturally and regularly. The word is used to describe the process for short, tight, smooth coated breeds, such as Magyar Viszlas, Labradors, Pugs, French Bulldogs and smooth coated terriers (Fox Terrier, Parson Russell, Staffordshire Bull Terrier etc)
Handstripping is the act of manually removing dead hair. This expression is often used for the whole process or limited to removal of wiry or silky topcoat on dogs which do not lose most of their dead hair naturally (found e.g. in Terriers or Gundogs)
Combing (out)
To pull a comb through hair in order to remove dead coat and make the dog look neat or smooth again. In context with handstripping this is often done for silky coats (like Spaniels or Setters) and with a rubber band woven through the teeth to capture and hold the soft hair.
Removing the wooly, downy undercoat by combing through the coat using a special instrument such as a carding knife or rake.